Want to Join Us for Meetings with Congress for Myanmar?


Would you like to meet your Members of Congress regarding Myanmar? We’re seeking one or more people in each state and House district. We would work with you to set up a Zoom or in-person meeting with the staff of your House Member or senators. We’d also prepare you beforehand with talking points. The goal is … Read more

We need your help


We are making progress, will you help us keep it up? Every week, we wake up to horrific reports of new atrocities by the Myanmar military. They seem to become more brutal with each passing day. In the last month, the Myanmar military has killed more than 210 people in air strikes targeting the civilian population … Read more

We must stop the deadly airstrikes in Myanmar

The military junta murdered at least 133 people in their recent airstrike

The airstrikes are getting more and more deadly This week, in one of its deadliest airstrikes, the Myanmar military killed at least 133 people, including women and children, in the north-western Sagaing region. According to a report by the BBC, residents uploaded video showing scenes of appalling carnage, with dismembered bodies lying on the ground. … Read more

Rihanna: Call out Bayco for supporting genocide


Did you know your ruby ring paid for crimes against humanity? Last Sunday, the world was riveted by Rihanna’s breathtaking Superbowl halftime show. One item from her attire that evening that caught our attention is her Bayco Jewels ring that featured a large Burmese ruby. For decades, Myanmar’s military has committed numerous war crimes against … Read more

Today is Valentine’s Day. Is love in the air in Myanmar?

Stop Bulgari from selling #GenocideGems

Not as long as Bulgari is selling #GenocideGems A little more than a year ago, the Myanmar military took over the country and threw its democratically elected leaders in jail. Since February 1, 2021, 19,018 people have been arrested. At least 2,988 people have been murdered. Another 15,177 remain locked up. #GenocideGems help them fund … Read more

Memorial for the Fallen

for activists murdered by the Myanmar military

Join us on the evening of September 22nd at 8.30pm US EST and the morning of September 23rd at 7am Yangon (Burma), to memorialize activists and political figures targeted by the Myanmar junta. Two months after their brutal killing, we will gather on Zoom to celebrate the lives of prominent democracy leader Ko Jimmy and … Read more

Today is the anniversary of the 8/8/88 Burmese uprising

from the 8/9/88 uprising

August 8th marks the beginning of the 1988 popular uprising against military rule.   One of the four pro-democracy activists recently executed by the military, Kyaw Min Yu (Ko Jimmy), was only 19 when he played a role in organizing protests and was imprisoned for the first time. Let’s mark this anniversary of 8/8/88 by … Read more

It’s been 18 months since the #militarycoup in Burma


A year and a half after the #militarycoup and things just get more brutal in Myanmar On February 1, 2021, the military seized control of Myanmar and threw out the democratically elected government. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), 2,145 peaceful protesters have been killed by the junta. Another 14,962 have been … Read more

We are making progress but need your help to do more

congress can end genocide

As of today, we are almost half a million people strong. Thanks to your hard work, we made real progress for Paul Rusesabagina, the Uyghurs, and the Burmese people. Here are some highlights of what you have accomplished: For the Burmese people: You took more than 1.7 million actions in solidarity with their struggle against the Myanmar military. That … Read more

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