Thank You for the BRAVE Burma and Rohingya GAP Acts

Sanction MOGE, NOW!

Congress seems poised to finally do right for the Rohingya and people of Burma The BRAVE Burma Act Thank you to Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) for sponsoring this bill and to Congresspeople Brad Sherman (D-CA), Betty McCollum (R-MN) and Ann Wagner (D-MO) for cosponsoring. The Myanmar military seized power on February 1, 2021. To resist … Read more

Campaign for a New Myanmar Applauds New Congressional Burma Caucus

The Burma Bill

For Immediate Release February 1st, 2024 Campaign for a New Myanmar applauds U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga (R, MI-4) and Betty McCollum (D, MN-4) for their leadership in forming the first bipartisan Congressional Burma Caucus. Coming on the third anniversary of the Myanmar military coup, this new caucus is very timely. We urgently need leadership by … Read more

What’s Doin’ in DC for Human Rights

Genocide is not ok

A lot has been happening on Capitol Hill! This is a rundown of the bills that are before Congress and how you can help get them passed. We are making great progress but we need to keep up the pressure!  The Uyghur Policy Act: The Uyghur Policy Act was introduced in the U.S. House by Representatives … Read more

The Rohingya Genocide, Six Years Later

from the 8/9/88 uprising

Six years ago, the Myanmar military perpetuated genocide and has yet to be brought to justice This week marks the sixth anniversary of the Rohingya genocide. Six years ago, the Myanmar military launched attacks on Rohingya communities in Rakhine State forcing over 700,000 Rohingya refugees to flee to Bangladesh where they remain to this day. … Read more

Want to Join Us for Meetings with Congress for Myanmar?


Would you like to meet your Members of Congress regarding Myanmar? We’re seeking one or more people in each state and House district. We would work with you to set up a Zoom or in-person meeting with the staff of your House Member or senators. We’d also prepare you beforehand with talking points. The goal is … Read more

You did it! The U.S. House passed the Uyghur Policy Act!

Uyghur Lives Matter

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Uyghur Policy Act (H.R. 4785) by an overwhelming vote of 407 – 17. You did it!  It is thanks in good part to your continual lobbying of your Members of Congress, that the House passed overwhelmingly the Uyghur Policy Act. Next, before this “lame duck” session ends, let’s … Read more

Today is the anniversary of the 8/8/88 Burmese uprising

from the 8/9/88 uprising

August 8th marks the beginning of the 1988 popular uprising against military rule.   One of the four pro-democracy activists recently executed by the military, Kyaw Min Yu (Ko Jimmy), was only 19 when he played a role in organizing protests and was imprisoned for the first time. Let’s mark this anniversary of 8/8/88 by … Read more

It’s been 18 months since the #militarycoup in Burma


A year and a half after the #militarycoup and things just get more brutal in Myanmar On February 1, 2021, the military seized control of Myanmar and threw out the democratically elected government. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), 2,145 peaceful protesters have been killed by the junta. Another 14,962 have been … Read more

We are making progress but need your help to do more

congress can end genocide

As of today, we are almost half a million people strong. Thanks to your hard work, we made real progress for Paul Rusesabagina, the Uyghurs, and the Burmese people. Here are some highlights of what you have accomplished: For the Burmese people: You took more than 1.7 million actions in solidarity with their struggle against the Myanmar military. That … Read more

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