Legislative Roundup: Spotlight on Sudan

What happened to the Save Darfur coalition? Sudan needs them now.

Rebel forces are poised to take the capital of Darfur, El Fasher. This comes after weeks of heavy fighting in the region forcing even more people to flee. Every time we think the situation in Sudan has gotten as bad as it can get, it gets worse. Despite the United Nations’ plea for a ceasefire … Read more

Tell Congress to Fund the Burma Act

Tell them to keep their promise to the people of Myanmar The U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward on its budget bills for the Fiscal Year 2025.  This includes the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations budget that provides key funding for Burma’s democracy movement in its struggle against the … Read more

Campaign for a New Myanmar Applauds New Congressional Burma Caucus

The Burma Bill

For Immediate Release February 1st, 2024 Campaign for a New Myanmar applauds U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga (R, MI-4) and Betty McCollum (D, MN-4) for their leadership in forming the first bipartisan Congressional Burma Caucus. Coming on the third anniversary of the Myanmar military coup, this new caucus is very timely. We urgently need leadership by … Read more

Stop the Air Strikes in Myanmar

Last week, the Myanmar military killed 14 children in an airstrike on a displaced persons camp in Kachin State, Burma. According to BBC Burmese Service, 14 children were among the 29 dead. The attack came shortly before midnight on Monday in the village of Munglai Hkyet, around three kilometers from the Kachin Independence Organization headquarters … Read more

What’s Doin’ in DC for Human Rights

Genocide is not ok

A lot has been happening on Capitol Hill! This is a rundown of the bills that are before Congress and how you can help get them passed. We are making great progress but we need to keep up the pressure!  The Uyghur Policy Act: The Uyghur Policy Act was introduced in the U.S. House by Representatives … Read more

The Rohingya Genocide, Six Years Later

from the 8/9/88 uprising

Six years ago, the Myanmar military perpetuated genocide and has yet to be brought to justice This week marks the sixth anniversary of the Rohingya genocide. Six years ago, the Myanmar military launched attacks on Rohingya communities in Rakhine State forcing over 700,000 Rohingya refugees to flee to Bangladesh where they remain to this day. … Read more

Remembering 8/8/88

Thirty-five years ago today, the people of Myanmar stood up. We need to stand with them today. Today marks the anniversary of the 8/8/88, democracy uprising in Burma. Students started the uprising in Yangon and the protests quickly spread throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of students, monks, children, and people from all walks of life protested … Read more

We must stop the deadly airstrikes in Myanmar

The military junta murdered at least 133 people in their recent airstrike

The airstrikes are getting more and more deadly This week, in one of its deadliest airstrikes, the Myanmar military killed at least 133 people, including women and children, in the north-western Sagaing region. According to a report by the BBC, residents uploaded video showing scenes of appalling carnage, with dismembered bodies lying on the ground. … Read more

Today is Valentine’s Day. Is love in the air in Myanmar?

Stop Bulgari from selling #GenocideGems

Not as long as Bulgari is selling #GenocideGems A little more than a year ago, the Myanmar military took over the country and threw its democratically elected leaders in jail. Since February 1, 2021, 19,018 people have been arrested. At least 2,988 people have been murdered. Another 15,177 remain locked up. #GenocideGems help them fund … Read more

Two years later, the people of Myanmar still want democracy

Yesterday, all across Myanmar, people took part in a “silent strike” to protest the second anniversary of the military coup. According to Myanmar Now, streets in the city of Yangon were deserted on Wednesday. Though the day was not a public holiday, little activity was seen in the commercial capital. There are reports of people … Read more

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