Tell Congress to Fund the Burma Act

Tell them to keep their promise to the people of Myanmar The U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward on its budget bills for the Fiscal Year 2025.  This includes the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPS) appropriations budget that provides key funding for Burma’s democracy movement in its struggle against the … Read more

Let’s Send the Myanmar Military Packing in 2024

Let's send the Myanmar military packing in 2024

Next year, we have the opportunity to end military rule in Burma in 2024. Across the country, the Burmese army has suffered significant defeats. In liberated areas, the Burmese people are establishing from the grassroots up their new civilian administration.Please make a gift to support the people of Myanmar in their struggle against the military. … Read more

The Myanmar Sanctions Are Working!


Happy holidays!  Here are two must-read articles on sanctions and Burma from the essential Frontier Myanmar. Read them as you sip your egg nog. “The end of Myanmar’s resource boom could doom the junta” Key quote: “The military has since the 1990s relied on three main partners to weather sanctions: Singapore for banking, Thailand … Read more

Your Voice for the Uyghurs Was Heard by the House

Uyghur Lives Matter

Good news! Last week, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Uyghur Policy Act (H.R. 2766) by a unanimous vote. We’re now working hard to send the bill to the House floor for a final vote. It is because of your continual emails, phone calls, and actions, that the Uyghur Policy Act has over 100 – … Read more

Progress on Capitol Hill

help us end genocide

Thanks to all of your emails and phone calls to your Members of Congress, a lot is happening at the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HFAC) this week. This Wednesday, there is an HFAC subcommittee hearing on the future of Nagorno-Karabakh, which you may attend in person or view live online. Witness U.S. Administration officials give testimony and answer … Read more

Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations Urge United Nations to Mobilize to Address Crisis in Sudan

Joint Statement Urging More Aid, Solidarity and Attention to Sudan Crisis New York, September 13, 2023 – We, the heads of over 50 human rights and humanitarian organizations are coming together to sound the alarm about Sudan, where a disaster is unfolding before our eyes. With fighting continuing across the country, brutal sexual violence rising, … Read more

The Rohingya Genocide, Six Years Later

from the 8/9/88 uprising

Six years ago, the Myanmar military perpetuated genocide and has yet to be brought to justice This week marks the sixth anniversary of the Rohingya genocide. Six years ago, the Myanmar military launched attacks on Rohingya communities in Rakhine State forcing over 700,000 Rohingya refugees to flee to Bangladesh where they remain to this day. … Read more

Want to Join Us for Meetings with Congress for Myanmar?


Would you like to meet your Members of Congress regarding Myanmar? We’re seeking one or more people in each state and House district. We would work with you to set up a Zoom or in-person meeting with the staff of your House Member or senators. We’d also prepare you beforehand with talking points. The goal is … Read more

We need your help


We are making progress, will you help us keep it up? Every week, we wake up to horrific reports of new atrocities by the Myanmar military. They seem to become more brutal with each passing day. In the last month, the Myanmar military has killed more than 210 people in air strikes targeting the civilian population … Read more

We must stop the deadly airstrikes in Myanmar

The military junta murdered at least 133 people in their recent airstrike

The airstrikes are getting more and more deadly This week, in one of its deadliest airstrikes, the Myanmar military killed at least 133 people, including women and children, in the north-western Sagaing region. According to a report by the BBC, residents uploaded video showing scenes of appalling carnage, with dismembered bodies lying on the ground. … Read more

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