Thank You for the BRAVE Burma and Rohingya GAP Acts

Sanction MOGE, NOW!

Congress seems poised to finally do right for the Rohingya and people of Burma The BRAVE Burma Act Thank you to Congressman Bill Huizenga (R-MI) for sponsoring this bill and to Congresspeople Brad Sherman (D-CA), Betty McCollum (R-MN) and Ann Wagner (D-MO) for cosponsoring. The Myanmar military seized power on February 1, 2021. To resist … Read more

Legislative Roundup: Spotlight on Sudan

What happened to the Save Darfur coalition? Sudan needs them now.

Rebel forces are poised to take the capital of Darfur, El Fasher. This comes after weeks of heavy fighting in the region forcing even more people to flee. Every time we think the situation in Sudan has gotten as bad as it can get, it gets worse. Despite the United Nations’ plea for a ceasefire … Read more

Campaign for a New Myanmar Applauds New Congressional Burma Caucus

The Burma Bill

For Immediate Release February 1st, 2024 Campaign for a New Myanmar applauds U.S. Reps. Bill Huizenga (R, MI-4) and Betty McCollum (D, MN-4) for their leadership in forming the first bipartisan Congressional Burma Caucus. Coming on the third anniversary of the Myanmar military coup, this new caucus is very timely. We urgently need leadership by … Read more

In 2024, No Company Should Rely on Genocide or Slave Labor

VW needs to stop using slave labor

As you know, No Business With Genocide is a coalition aimed at ending corporate support for genocide and other mass atrocities. This year-end, we are setting our sights on three offenders. We are focusing on Volkswagen, BP, and Bulgari. The world’s largest automaker should not rely on slave labor. In a shocking report, Driving Force; … Read more

Stop the Air Strikes in Myanmar

Last week, the Myanmar military killed 14 children in an airstrike on a displaced persons camp in Kachin State, Burma. According to BBC Burmese Service, 14 children were among the 29 dead. The attack came shortly before midnight on Monday in the village of Munglai Hkyet, around three kilometers from the Kachin Independence Organization headquarters … Read more

What’s Doin’ in DC for Human Rights

Genocide is not ok

A lot has been happening on Capitol Hill! This is a rundown of the bills that are before Congress and how you can help get them passed. We are making great progress but we need to keep up the pressure!  The Uyghur Policy Act: The Uyghur Policy Act was introduced in the U.S. House by Representatives … Read more

Auto #ForcedLabour Social Media Toolkit

Reports  Instagram: @hkcatshu @sheffhallamuni @NomoGaia  Twitter: @SHULawCrim @sheffhallamuni @NomoGaia Social graphics Suggested caption: Ford, GM, & Stellantis say they’re committed to ending forced labour, BUT reportedly source metals and batteries made with #Uyghurforcedlabour. Even the U.S. Senate Finance Committee asked about their possible supply chain links to the Uyghur Region. GM, Ford and Stellantis: What … Read more

Remembering 8/8/88

Thirty-five years ago today, the people of Myanmar stood up. We need to stand with them today. Today marks the anniversary of the 8/8/88, democracy uprising in Burma. Students started the uprising in Yangon and the protests quickly spread throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of students, monks, children, and people from all walks of life protested … Read more

Have some time on Wednesday to learn more about the Rohingya?

The Power of Inclusion: Solutions for IDPs and Refugees of Karenni, Chin states and Central Burma

The Power of Inclusion: Solutions for IDPs and Refugees of Karenni, Chin states and Central Burma Our friends over at the US Campaign for Burma has put together an expert panel to issues pertaining to the refugee and IDP crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh. From the U.S. Campaign for Burma: Together with Karenni National Women’s … Read more

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