Make Urban Outfitters Do Right by the Uyghurs!

In 2023, no company or country should profit from #ForcedLaborFashion What is happening to the Uyghurs in China rivals any horror movie or Stephen King novel. From using them like slaves to harvest corn, tomatoes, and other crops and manufacture too many products to list here, to harvesting their organs, and killing them, the only … Read more

From the NYC Fashion Week Uyghur protest

The fashion industry remains complicit in China Yesterday, September 9, 2021, people from all over came out to the End Uyghur Forced Labor: Fashion Week Call to Action. Despite the rain, people took the opportunity to come out and call out the fashion industry for being complicit in China’s crimes against the Uygurs. We were … Read more

Want to end genocide? Here are some things you can do now.

Tell U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to recognize the genocide against the Rohingya: August 25, 2021 marked the four-year anniversary of the genocide against the Rohingya. The Myanmar military forced nearly 800,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh. Now, the roughly 600,000 Rohingya remaining in Myanmar face the ongoing risk of genocide, while other ethnic … Read more

Mizuno will stop using cotton from Xinjiang


You did it! Another company,Mizuno, has decided to stop using cotton from the Xinjiang region of China. The company did not specify that it was doing this because of the treatment the #Uyghurs receive in China but it is hard to imagine they had another reason. From the Japan Times: OSAKA – Japanese sportswear firm Mizuno … Read more

Want to help the Uyghurs? Here’s how you can.


What’s happening to the Uyghurs? According to ForcedFashionLabour, more than one million people — Uyghurs and other Muslims — have been rounded up and placed in camps. These camps, in the Xinjiang region of China, produce a wide array of products. If you have items in your home that were made in China, the odds … Read more

Hey, Zara: Stop Profiting From Uyghur Forced Labour!

zara needs to stop profiting from forced labor

Help Free Uyghurs From Forced Labour in China People belonging to ethnic, cultural, and religious groups in northwestern China, including Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Hui, are currently the target of the largest organized detention of an ethno-religious minority the world has seen since World War II. Since 2017, over one million have been detained. Detainees are made to … Read more

Tell Your Congressperson to Support the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

Tell Your U.S Representative: Support and Co-sponsor The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (HR.1155). Introduced by Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (H.R. 1155) would prevent the import of any goods made in the forced labor camps in the Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) of China. The State Department has determined that the … Read more

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