We can stop Chevron from funding the Tatmadaw

Stop Chevron from funding genocide

We can make Chevron stop funding the Myanmar military. As we work hard to press our governments to impose sanctions on the Myanmar military, let’s also impose our own “citizen sanctions” on the Burmese army. Together, we are ramping up our campaigns to stop the flow of corporate blood money to the Myanmar military. In … Read more

Summer may be ending but we still have work to do to end genocide

As the summer comes to a close, here are the actions we are taking to help end genocide and other crimes against humanity. Speak out for Paul Rusesabagina The Rwandan government has postponed from the summer until September 20, 2021, the announcement of the verdict in the sham trial of Paul Rusesabagina.  If Paul is … Read more

Want to end genocide? Here are some things you can do now.

Tell U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to recognize the genocide against the Rohingya: August 25, 2021 marked the four-year anniversary of the genocide against the Rohingya. The Myanmar military forced nearly 800,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh. Now, the roughly 600,000 Rohingya remaining in Myanmar face the ongoing risk of genocide, while other ethnic … Read more

Tell Congress to step up to end genocide

congress can end genocide

Before it takes recess later this month, Congress can and must take action to end genocide and other mass atrocities. Will you tell your Members of Congress to step up? Where’s the new Burma sanctions bill? The people of Myanmar need your help. It has been more than five months since the 2/1/21 military coup. Since … Read more

You did it! Chevron and Total cut some payments to the Myanmar Military

Stop Chevron from funding genocide

This is a good first step for Chevron and Total but we need to keep the pressure on them to do more. This week, Chevron and Total held their annual shareholder meetings in the midst of a barrage of pressure over their payments to the Myanmar military. Many of you joined protests outside Chevron’s offices … Read more

President Biden: Stop oil companies from bankrolling the Myanmar military

Urge President Biden to stop oil companies from bankrolling the Myanmar military On February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military seized power in a coup d’etat, imprisoning civilian leaders as well as pro-democracy and human rights advocates. In response to this coup, young people in Myanmar have taken to the streets in a new #CivilDisobedienceMovement (CDM) … Read more

Tell Chevron to Stop Paying the Myanmar Military on April 16

April 16, Global day of action against Chevron 1. San Francisco Bay Area, CaliforniaProtest At the Chevron HeadquartersFriday, April 16, 11 am to 2 pmChevron, 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd. San Ramon CA 2. Washington DCChevron Lobbying Office at 3 pm600 13th ST NW, Suite 600District of Columbia 3. Denver, ColoradoProtest on 11th, but a letter … Read more

Adidas, Zara, and Lidl: Support the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Myanmar

Please sign our petition to show your support. Since the February 1st military coup in Myanmar, the Burmese people are engaged in a life or death struggle. Citizens from all ethnicities and walks of life have joined together in the new Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). They are saying “NO!” to a return to military rule. … Read more

Tell your U.S. Senators: support the Myanmar civil disobedience movement

Tell your U.S. Senators to support the Myanmar civil disobedience movement by sponsoring Senate Resolution 105. On February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military seized power in a coup d’etat, imprisoning Aung San Suu Kyi, senior figures from her ruling party, and prominent pro-democracy and human rights advocates. In response to this coup, young people in … Read more

Genocide is always closer than we think

This appeared in the Gainesville Sun. This week, the Gainesville City Commission is set to bring up a resolution affirming its opposition to genocide. There are a few reasons this is important.  First of all, it provides the city a chance to promote the values of the people who live here. It also provides an … Read more

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