Ask Beyonce to support our sisters and brothers in Myanmar’s garment industry

Please sign and share this petition. On February 1st, 2021, the Myanmar military executed a coup, illegally and violently overthrowing the elected civilian government and shattering the dreams of many across the country. In response, citizens from all ethnicities and walks of life have joined together in the new Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). At the … Read more

Rights groups renew call for Kirin to cut ties with military

This appeared in Myanmar Now. A coalition of rights groups renewed a call for Japanese beer giant Kirin to sever business ties with the military-owned conglomerate Myanma Economic Holdings (MEHL) Thursday morning.  Kirin is the majority owner in joint ventures with MEHL of the Myanmar Brewery and the Mandalay Brewery, together producing about 80% of … Read more

Apparel Brands Must Act to End Intimidation of Workers Engaged in the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar

For Immediate Release: 11 March 2021 Apparel Brands Must Act to End Intimidation of Workers Engaged in the Civil Disobedience Movement in Myanmar Today, 40 human and labor rights organizations published an open letter calling on the apparel brands sourcing from Myanmar to act to end the intimidation of workers engaged in peaceful pro-democracy protests … Read more

Open Letter to Apparel Brands Sourcing From Myanmar: Ensure Protection of Worker Rights

We write to you as brands that have ramped up sourcing from Myanmar over the past ten years. That decade has seen huge steps forward for both international business and workers’ rights in Myanmar. In particular, we appreciate the efforts of brands to promote workers’ rights standards that include the promotion of workplace health and … Read more

No Valentine’s Day for Harry Winston and Swatch

Tomorow is Valentine’s Day. It’s the biggest day for gifts of jewelry second only to Christmas. This weekend, let’s send a strong message to luxury jeweler Harry Winston, and its owner Swatch, to stop selling Burmese gems that profit Myanmar’s military. Sign our petition to Harry Winston demanding that it stop supporting the Myanmar military. For … Read more

You did it; US to sanction Myanmar military

It’s now Day 11 of the 2/1/21 Myanmar coup.   Thank you for – in your thousands! – signing our petitions, turning up for protests, contacting your elected representatives, and, all the while, sharing everything you do on social media. Because of your actions, US President Joe Biden announced yesterday that the US will impose sanctions on … Read more

Kirin Ends Partnership With Myanmar Military After the Army’s Genocide and Coup D’Etat

Media Advisory For Immediate Release: February 5th, 2021 In the wake of past genocide against the Rohingya, ongoing mass atrocities against other ethnic minorities, and recent army coup d’etat, the Myanmar military finally stepped too far for its business partner, Kirin Holdings of Japan. Kirin announced today that it would end its business partnerships with … Read more

World Must Sanction Myanmar Military

Media Advisory For Immediate Release: February 1st, 2021 In the early hours of February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military detained Burmese de facto leader Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior figures from her ruling party. The Myanmar military’s move comes after days of escalating threats to the civilian government by … Read more

Press Release: Kirin Seeking “Alternatives” to its Partnerships with Myanmar Military

Media Release From International Campaign for the Rohingya For Immediate Release: June 5th, 2020 Kirin Seeking “Alternatives” to its Partnerships with Myanmar Military As part of its “strategic review” of its operations in Myanmar, Kirin announced today that it is “exploring alternative structural options” for the ownership of its breweries in Myanmar. Kirin’s breweries in … Read more

How we can pressure Kirin every day from our homes

We can pressure Kirin every day without even leaving our homes. Here’s how to do it. To recap, Kirin is in joint ventures, Myanmar Breweries and Mandalay Brewery, with the Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL), a Burmese military-owned conglomerate. Through its joint ventures, Kirin is legitimizing and funding the Myanmar military as it faces charges … Read more

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