Auto #ForcedLabour Social Media Toolkit


Instagram: @hkcatshu @sheffhallamuni @NomoGaia 

Twitter: @SHULawCrim @sheffhallamuni @NomoGaia

Social graphics

Suggested caption:

Ford, GM, & Stellantis say they’re committed to ending forced labour, BUT reportedly source metals and batteries made with #Uyghurforcedlabour. Even the U.S. Senate Finance Committee asked about their possible supply chain links to the Uyghur Region. GM, Ford and Stellantis: What was your answer?

Demand these companies clean up their supply chains and stop profiting from forced labour now! Sign this petition by @freedomunitedhq 

Instagram: @generalmotors @stellantisna @ford

Twitter: @GM @stellantis @ford

Suggested caption:

DYK that MAJOR auto companies are exposed to #Uyghurforcedlabour? *Both* EV and traditional cars are at high risk. Auto companies like GM, Ford, & Stellantis must address ALL links to Uyghur forced labour as they transition to electric vehicles. Uyghur forced labour is NOT a “just transition” to an EV auto market.

Tag GM, Ford, & Stellantis in the comments. Demand EV batteries are made by unionized workers – NOT Uyghur forced labour.

Instagram: @generalmotors @stellantisna @ford

Twitter: @GM @stellantis @ford


  • Primary: #uyghurforcedlabour #enduyghurforcedlabour #driveawayfromforcedlabour #drivingforce #forcedlabourauto
  • Secondary: #auto #cars #ford #gm #stellantis #forcedlabour #workersrights
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