In 2024, No Company Should Rely on Genocide or Slave Labor

As you know, No Business With Genocide is a coalition aimed at ending corporate support for genocide and other mass atrocities. This year-end, we are setting our sights on three offenders. We are focusing on Volkswagen, BP, and Bulgari.

The world’s largest automaker should not rely on slave labor.

In a shocking report, Driving Force; Automotive Supply Chains and Forced Labor in the Uyghur Region, Sheffield Hallam University exposes the global auto industry’s complicity in the exploitation of millions of Uyghurs in China. Car tires, windows, frames, axles, interiors, electronics, and even the hood decal are all made by Uyghur forced labor.

According to the report, Volkswagen is the first car company to open a plant in the Uyghur region of China and “by far the most significant auto manufacturer in the region.” Volkswagen is the largest car manufacturer on the planet. If the company stops using Uyghur forced labor, other companies will take note.

Please sign – and share – our petition to tell Volkswagen to stop profiting from #UyghurForcedLabor.

BP needs to stand up for Armenians in Azerbaijan.

As you may know, Azerbaijan is committing genocide against the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh.  Azerbaijan has forced more than 80 percent of the 120,000 people who called the region home to flee. These invasions of villages and towns came after a blockade that lasted months and caused untold suffering and hunger in the region.

In the midst of this horror, where is oil giant BP? Since the early 1990s, BP has been the largest foreign investor in Azerbaijan, spending more than $84 billion on projects in that nation.

Please share our petition to demand that BP speak out against the atrocities against Armenians in Azerbaijan.

Bulgari needs to stop funding the brutal Myanmar military

Since the brutal coup on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar military has funded its reign of terror with money from #GenocideGems. Two years ago, you got Harry Winston to stop selling rubies and jade from Myanmar, now we need Bulgari to follow suit. Together we can end the sale of #genocidegems.

Please sign – and share widely – our petition to Bulgari.

Will you help us keep up our work against genocide? You can still lower your tax bill and help us. Just click on this link to make a year-end gift.

Thank you so much for your support!

Alyson Chadwick, Strategist & Simon Billenness, Director

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