The Rohingya Genocide, Six Years Later

from the 8/9/88 uprising

Six years ago, the Myanmar military perpetuated genocide and has yet to be brought to justice This week marks the sixth anniversary of the Rohingya genocide. Six years ago, the Myanmar military launched attacks on Rohingya communities in Rakhine State forcing over 700,000 Rohingya refugees to flee to Bangladesh where they remain to this day. … Read more

Remembering 8/8/88

Thirty-five years ago today, the people of Myanmar stood up. We need to stand with them today. Today marks the anniversary of the 8/8/88, democracy uprising in Burma. Students started the uprising in Yangon and the protests quickly spread throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of students, monks, children, and people from all walks of life protested … Read more

Have some time on Wednesday to learn more about the Rohingya?

The Power of Inclusion: Solutions for IDPs and Refugees of Karenni, Chin states and Central Burma

The Power of Inclusion: Solutions for IDPs and Refugees of Karenni, Chin states and Central Burma Our friends over at the US Campaign for Burma has put together an expert panel to issues pertaining to the refugee and IDP crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh. From the U.S. Campaign for Burma: Together with Karenni National Women’s … Read more

Make Urban Outfitters Do Right by the Uyghurs!

In 2023, no company or country should profit from #ForcedLaborFashion What is happening to the Uyghurs in China rivals any horror movie or Stephen King novel. From using them like slaves to harvest corn, tomatoes, and other crops and manufacture too many products to list here, to harvesting their organs, and killing them, the only … Read more

Hey, VW! Stop Using Slave Labor!

VW needs to stop using slave labor

The Uyghurs deserve better! It’s time to call out Volkswagen for its use of slave labor in Xinjiang, China. There is no reason any company should use forced labor in 2023. TVW is holding its annual shareholders’ meeting on May 10 in Berlin, Germany and we are planning a week of action to call them out … Read more

We need your help


We are making progress, will you help us keep it up? Every week, we wake up to horrific reports of new atrocities by the Myanmar military. They seem to become more brutal with each passing day. In the last month, the Myanmar military has killed more than 210 people in air strikes targeting the civilian population … Read more

We must stop the deadly airstrikes in Myanmar

The military junta murdered at least 133 people in their recent airstrike

The airstrikes are getting more and more deadly This week, in one of its deadliest airstrikes, the Myanmar military killed at least 133 people, including women and children, in the north-western Sagaing region. According to a report by the BBC, residents uploaded video showing scenes of appalling carnage, with dismembered bodies lying on the ground. … Read more

Good news! Paul Rusesabagina is coming home!

Hotel Rwanda hero, Paul Rusesabagina

You did it! Dealing with issues of genocide doesn’t always offer up a lot of good news but today is different. After spending 939 days in a Rwandan prison, Paul Rusesabagina was released and will be headed home soon. Our supporters signed thousands of petitions and letters to Congress on Rusesabagina’s behalf. Rusesabagina is a … Read more

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